Staying in a high-risk area is not easy. People’s lives are always in danger, and they always feel the possibility of being attacked. Crime rates have risen, there are few street lamps, and buildings are in disrepair can make people feel unsafe. However, there are ways that people can adopt to improve their security and that of their houses despite these challenges. Thus, residents can avoid the potential threats arising from living in such an environment and feel safe in their everyday practice, provided they follow some useful recommendations. This article gives five useful tips on how to get rid of bad neighbors and protect oneself and property.

Invest in Security Cameras

The way to enhance security is through putting security cameras all over the compound. Security cameras discourage potential criminals and help in investigations in case of an incident. For the inhabitants of high-risk areas, the installation of cameras in visible areas like the gates, the driveway, and backyard gates can be of great benefit. Some of the features accompanying today’s security cameras include real-time notifications and the ability to monitor the camera through an application installed on a smartphone like the aosu. This makes it possible for residents to monitor their property even when they are not within the premises, and this gives them the much-needed comfort that they need especially when they are out of town, in case of any suspicious movement, they are in a position to take the necessary action.

Reinforce Doors and Windows

Securing entry points is very important in avoiding cases of break-ins and improving the security of homes. For the doors and windows in high-risk areas, it is recommended that one should install better quality and stronger locks and bars. Deadbolt locks and shatterproof films can make it much harder for a burglar to get in. Also, door braces or security alarms can add more security to the entry points. Such measures do not only safeguard the home, but they also delay the intruder’s attempts at getting into the house and give the occupants a chance to act.

Enhance Outdoor Lighting

Security lights are very important in preventing criminal activities and guaranteeing safety, especially at night. Placing motion-sensitive lights around the perimeter of the property will help to eliminate areas of the property that are poorly lit and provide cover for criminals. Proper lighting makes the area bright, and it becomes difficult for the offender to get close to the house without being seen. People should therefore concentrate on lighting up some of the major places including the gates, the car parking space, and the back lanes. Floodlight cameras which are equipped with bright light and high-definition cameras to capture any activity add to the security. Since light discourages intruders and other criminals, the residents of the property will be able to minimize their risks of becoming victims of criminal activities and improve their sense of security.

Strengthen Community Ties

Having good relations with neighbors can go a long way in enhancing the security of a community. Interacting with the people of the community creates awareness and ensures that everyone is alert and ready to work. People should join neighborhood watches, where they exist, and develop methods of contacting their neighbors. They can report instances of suspicious activity to the other and also collectively deal with security issues. Further, creating a support system can enhance the collective responsibility for the preservation of the general safety of the neighborhood.

Practice Personal Safety Habits

The measures of personal protection are crucial in a high-risk area since they help one to avoid getting injured. People should always ensure that they lock their doors and windows at all times including when they are at home and should never open the door to strangers. It is also important to know where one is and where not to go especially at night. Having pepper spray or a personal alarm with them is also helpful to have when out and about. Also, knowing the statistics of crime incidence in the area and other safety precautions would assist the residents in making the right choices and being more cautious.


Staying in such a neighborhood can be very dangerous and so one has to be very careful and take all the necessary precautions. People in society can be safe by properly installing security cameras, strengthening entry and exit areas, improving lighting at night, fostering togetherness in society, and practicing personal safety measures. Adopting these practical tips could go a long way in reducing risks and enhancing the safety of the living environment, and thus enable people to move around their environment with less worry.


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